An eagle lectern at Bath Abbey.

I think the camels are out to get their revenge.

Earlier this month I reported that I had sold an image of a camel under a beach umbrella

Today there was a refund on the sale.  Half the fee was refunded this usually means that the client has decided not to proceed.  If that happens after a certain period of time only 50% of the money get refunded.

However on the plus side I sold an image of an Eagle lectern at Bath Abbey:

Country: World English Language
Usage: Editorial
Media: Book- Academic/Educational
Industry: Retail books/magazines/newspapers
Sub-Industry: Education and Test Guides
Print run: up to 25,000
Placement: Inside
Image Size: 1/2 page
Start: 15 August 2007
End: 15 August 2010

So the camels are down but the eagle is soaring!