Fellow photographers,

In this Newsletter. A big plug for Friday’s “One Light Night” with Rick Bradbury; A change of date for a forthcoming workshop; and details of the “Friday Night at the Studio” events for the rest of 2011.

Read on…..

Friday 6th May – One Light Night

Image © Copyright & Used With Permission of R J Bradbury

At this Friday Night at the Studio session, Ian will be handing over to, “New to Photo” podcast host Rick Bradbury.

A lot of people have expressed an interest in this event.  We do not have enough places for everyone who has said they MAY be coming. If you want to be sure of a place on this event/workshop please confirm your booking with us ASAP.

The model for the event will be Michela Scott.  You can see her profile on Purestorm. (Profile contains nudity).

Having worked with both Rick and Michela in the past; I know this is going to be a fantastic event.  Also I’ve just read the twelve page handout that Rick has prepared, so I know that some really useful techniques are going to be taught on Friday.  So don’t miss it!

Full Details….

Cost: £20

Art Nude Workshop

For a number of reason, I’ve had to postpone the Art Nude workshop that should have been taking place this Sunday.

I have now rescheduled the event for Saturday 16th July.  Please contact me to book your place on the event.

Check for latest news and information on this event here….

Cost £82 per person (this includes lunch and printed notes).

Friday 13th May – Falling With Style

I understand from Diane who is leading this workshop that the event is now fully booked, and there is a waiting list.

Diane is asking people who have indicted that they will be coming to confirm their booking by paying for the event in advance.  If you have not already done so please contact Diane to arrange payment.

If you wish to go on the waiting list for this event please let me know and I will forward your details to Diane.

Check for the latest details here….

Price: £15

And for the rest of 2011…

I am pleased to be able to announce the full schedule of “Friday Night at the Studio” events all the way through to the end of 2011.  See: http://www.ians-studio.co.uk/training-and-events/friday-night-at-the-studio/

I will be adding more details to each of the events over the next few weeks so keep checking back.  And remember for most events there is a discount for those who book and pay in advance.