fireworks-2016-11-05-rev-1-1Soon it will be “Bonfire Night” – or at least it will be in the UK. So I thought it would be a good opportunity to inspire you to photograph fireworks.

If you are not in the UK you probably don’t celebrate Bonfire Night or perhaps don’t even know what it is. It is when we in the UK celebrate a failed attempt to kill the king by blowing up the Houses of Parliament by burning effigies of one of the conspirators, Guy Fawkes, and by letting off fireworks. If that is the case, then just save this Inspiration Sheet for New Year, or the Fourth of July and you can put the techniques into practice whenever there are fireworks where you live.

Enjoy the fireworks and please remember to add the hashtag: #InspiredByIansStudio when you post your images online.

Keep making great images,