
Saturday, 22 October 2011 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM


Ian's Studio, Woodbank Works, Turncroft Lane, Stockport, Cheshire, SK1 4AR



Learn Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 in one day. This intensive and extensive training day will equip you to get the best out Lightroom and will help you streamline your photography workflow.

Attendees may wish to be bring a laptop with with Lightroom 3 installed, to follow the through the training on their own screens.

All participants will get printed notes.

Cost: £60.00  (Price includes lunch)

Topics covered include:

The Lightroom Philosophy

Learn to work the Lightroom way.

Configuring Lightroom

Set-up options you MUST change
Where to store your files
Setting up metadata defaults

Library Module

DAM – Digital Asset Management – what is it? Why do I need it?
Finding images
The filter bar
– Getting images into Lightroom
– Naming conventions
– DNG – what is it? Why convert to DNG?
Setting metadata
– Using the panels
– Using the painter
– Using presets
– Synchronising metadata
– Saving metadata!
Using keywords and keyword hierarchies
Reviewing your images
– Flags and ratings
Collections and smart collections

Develop Module

Understanding the adjustment panels (we go through each panel in turn an look at what it can do.)
Using adjustment brushes, graduated filters and other editing tools
Using presets
Snapshots, history and virtual copies

Output Modules

Slide show

Exporting Images

Export & Publish – what’s the difference.


Third party publishing tools – Flickr, Zenfolio, Alamy
Export plug-ins -Adding frames to your images
Defining your own metadata fields

Workflow hints and tips

Using keyword to mange workflow