Friday, 29 June 2012
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Ian's Studio, Woodbank Works, Turncroft Lane, Stockport, Cheshire, SK1 4AR
Something a bit different for this “Friday Night at the Studio” event. I keep getting people asking me what is involved in getting an LRPS or and ARPS from the Royal Photographic Society.
At this event I will explain the process. Show you my LRPS and ARPS panels and provide you with some feedback/critique on any panels you are planing to submit to the society.
Please Note: Although I am a member of the RPS and I have an ARPS distinction. I hold no position with the RPS and this session is not authorised by the RPS. The views expressed are my own and are based on lessons I learned while preparing my own images for submission.
Price: £10
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