Tonight’s event will be something a bit different. This latest event in our popular table-top photography events will enable you photograph water drop collisions. Photographer Stephen Ennis will be bring to the studio a specialist set-up which not only controls the flash, but controls the number and rate of water dropletsThe set-up uses electronics and solenoids to control the water droplets and there by ensure ensure we can capture spectacular droplet collisions every shots.
Example images using these techniques can be found here: http://photos.imb.biz/
In addition to this I will show you how you can still create interesting water droplet images using very basic items you can find around the home.
In addition to your camera if you have any of the following please bring your macro lens or extension tubes, tripod, flash, cable release or remote trigger. If you don’t have these things there will be plenty at the studio to share but it is always easier to use your own gear.
Price: £15
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