CR001 – Compostion & Point of View
This module in conjunction with CR002 – CR008, make up our “Introduction to Digital Photography” Course. This session may be taken as a standalone session or with the other 7 sessions.
In this module We look at what makes a great image. We consider the rules (guidelines) for composition including a three step approach to help you when creating any photograph. We also look at the subject of point of view and perspective and how and why changing point of view can make an ordinary image into an extra ordinary one.
Also as part of this module we look at critiquing including how to doing and why it is something that all photographers should do.
As part of this module you will be set a homework assignment and there will be an opportunity to receive feedback on the images you produce.
Suitable for: All levels from beginners to experts (good to be reminded about composition from time to time). What we look at here can be applied to any camera from phone to DSLR
Take the module
On-line training (Academy Members Only)
- An online version of this module is currently being filmed and many of the videos are already online.
- Click here to take the module on line.
In person
- No in person training sessions for this module are currently planned.
- One-to-one or small group session can be arranged please contact me to discuss details.
Downloadable training materials (Acadmey Members Only)
- Training notes
- Powerpoint slides
- Exercise 2 worksheet
Discussion and feedback (Academy Members Only)
Images for the exercises and for homework should be uploaded to the following community page
- CR001 – Composition and Point of View