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  • POTD 1 May 2008: Voting Day 1 May 2008

    Polling Station sign

    Local government elections in this bit of town today.  Did my my civic duty and went and cast my vote.

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  • POTD 2 May 2008: Blossom 2 May 2008

    Cherry Blossom

    Cherry blossom in bloom in Heaton Moor.

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  • POTD 3 May 2008: Conservatory 3 May 2008


    Visited my Mum and Dad this afternoon, and finally got to see their finished conservatory.  And very nice it look too.

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  • POTD 4 May 2008: PC Saga continues! 4 May 2008

    PC Cooling system

    Regular readers of the POTD will know (all too well) about the saga of my crashing PC.  Over a week ago I purchaced a replacement motherboard which appeared to solve the problem…. until last thing last night and same old blue screen, reboot, blue screen, reboot started again.

    It’s not the first time the fault has happened at the end of the day, in fact it tends to happen far more often at that time of day than any other.  Also, just before the crash happened I was thinking how hot the study was.  So my current theory is that the problem is an overheating problem.

    I’ve done some investication… So step one was to take the side off the case to let the air circulate better.  Then I intalled SpeedFan ( and the CPU is definately running very hot.  At one point this evening two of CPU core sensors were registering temperatures in excess of 100 deg C!!  And that was with the side off of the computer case.  A little while after that it was blue screen time again.  Although it wasn’t running quite that hot at the time it crashed.

    Until the computer supplier I use opens on Tuesday, I’ve installed my own (unique) cooling system for the PC.  As you can see from todays POTD it consists of a large fan pointing into the open side of the computer!

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  • POTD 5 May 2008: Tidy up 5 May 2008

    Hammer and Nails

    Had a minor tidy up in the garage today.  Two car loads of junk to the tip.

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  • POTD 6 May 2008: New Case, Old Problem 6 May 2008

    New PC case

    I hate to keep boring you with my PC woes but it does appear to be dominating my life at the moment…. and preventing me from getting on with much of my photography.  Today I purchased a new case with two fans to cool my over heating PC.  In addition to this I replaced the standard Intel CPU fan with a third party one that is supposed to be more efficient.  I even replced the thermal coupling goo that goes between the CPU and the heatsink.  And guess what?  The PC is still no cooler.  Ok, it is true the PC hasn’t crashed yet, but I’m convinced it is only a matter of time. 

    One for the techies… anyone able to suggest why Speedfan is telling me that the -12V line is actually recording to -16.97V??  BIOS doesn’t give me a reading for this line so I’ve only got Speedfan’s word for it.  So assuming the PC will blue screen fairly soon… I guess the next theory to look at is power supply problems.  Ho hum.  :-(

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  • POTD 7 May 2008: Woodford Church Again 7 May 2008

    Woodford Church

    Grabbed a couple of quick shots in the church graveyard at Woodford this evening before the Witness for the Prosecution rehearsal.  The shots are OK for the POTD but I forgot to check the ISO rating and they have all been taken at ISO 3200 and are all very grainy.

    At least my PC hasn’t crashed yet!

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  • POTD Wed 7 May 2008: Woodford Church 7 May 2008

    Grabbed a couple of quick shots in the church graveyard at Woodford this evening before the Witness for the Prosecution rehearsal. The shots are OK for the POTD but I forgot to check the ISO rating and they have all been taken at ISO 3200 and are all very grainy.

    At least my PC hasn’t crashed yet!

    2015 Update: The ISO goof on this image goes to show that even pro photographers can make mistakes (it’s just that we don’t normally let you see them). The lesson for all of us is check your settings before any shoot. Or better still try to get into the habbit of resetting everything as you put your camera away.

    PLEASE NOTE: This is not a source of free photographs.
    This photograph is (c) Ian M Butterfield. All rights are reserved. No use Is permitted (including non-commercial use) without prior permission. If you wish to use any of my photographs please ask first.

    Image Reference: FA0507A-E04824

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  • POTD 8 May 2008: Keeping Cool 8 May 2008

    Graph showing CPU temperatures while processing photos

    [Note to those not in the least bit interested in my PC problems: scroll down to the bottom of this POTD entry…. there is a nice picture of a church in Malta to look at instead]

    Sods law/Murphy’s law happened last night.  In yesterday’s POTD I commented that the PC hadn’t blue screened.  It did – immediately after I had posted that to my POTD!

    Today began the investigation as to why.  Voltages checked with multimeter all proved to be what they should be.  Through out these long, long problem I’ve been communicating with two friends both called Andrew who have both been giving me lots of useful advise on things to check.  While writing my findings in an email this morning to my friends I had a thought.  The case is a tower case.  When I installed the CPU heatsink and checked it the case was, of course, lying flat.  After installing everything the case was moved into an upright position.  Which means the motherboard is vertical and the heatsing/fan has a lot more chance to come free.
    PC shut down. side opened.  All retaining clips on heatsink/fan pushed home again.  PC rebooted.  CPU temp now 20C lower!!   Mid 40sC when idle.  Core temps low 50s when idle.   The readings are a lot better even under heavy load:  CPU 68C core temps high 70s/low 80s.

    My sincere thanks to everyone who has offered advice about the PC problems – especially to the two Andrews!
    Let hope this is the end of the blue screens.  So far so good.  I only hope that doesn’t invoke sod/murphy’s law again!

    I’ve been doing a lot of processing of photos today to put the computer under as much load as I can as a test.  That has meant I’ve been looking at a lot of Malta photos.  For those bored of my PC woes here’s one of the best that I was working on today:

    Church of the Visitation, TaPinu, Gozo, Malta


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  • POTD 9 May 2008: Dandelion Clock 9 May 2008

    Dandelion Clock

    I was in the garden photographing a danelion clock this afternoon.  Discovered an interesting technique.  Using selective focus and a very shallow depth of field I’ve been able to focus on the very centre of the danelion to show how the various seeds are connected.  This is possible because the erm… “fluffy bits” (sorry don’t know the technical term) nearest the camear are so out of focus that the camera effectively sees right throught them.

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  • POTD 10 May 2008: Sir Ian McKellen 10 May 2008

    At Stockport Garrick today was a special event.  The unveiling of a “Blue Plaque” to commemerate the founding of the society in 1901.  The guest of honour was Sir Ian McKellen.  I was asked to go along to take photos.





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  • POTD Sun, 11 May 2008: Basil Bush – Bloom Bloom! 11 May 2008

    Flowers on a basil plant

    Our Basil plant is in full bloom at the moment. Ann challenged me to photograph it.

    PLEASE NOTE: This is not a source of free photographs.
    This photograph is (c) Ian M Butterfield. All rights are reserved. No use Is permitted (including non-commercial use) without prior permission. If you wish to use any of my photographs please ask first.

    Image Reference: FA0511A-E04997

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  • POTD 12 May 2008: Sam 12 May 2008


    It’s been a while since I posted a cat photo. 

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  • POTD Tue 13 May 2008: Police Buttons 13 May 2008

    Buttons on a 1950s style British Police Uniform

    Take a good look at these buttons – it may be the last any of us see of them. I collected my “Policemans Uniform” costume that I’ll be wearing for “Witness for the Prosecution”. (I’m “doing a Hitchcock” and have a small cameo role in the production). The uniform looks great but it they didn’t make policemen my shape in 1953 – as a result the uniform is very, very tight. The buttons could pop off and easily end up anywhere! I’m just hoping our wardrobe mistress can sort something out.

    PLEASE NOTE: This is not a source of free photographs.
    This photograph is (c) Ian M Butterfield. All rights are reserved. No use Is permitted (including non-commercial use) without prior permission. If you wish to use any of my photographs please ask first.

    Image Reference: FA0513A-E05015

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  • POTD Wed 14 May 2008: Pasta Swirls 14 May 2008

    Pasta Swirls

    It’s a photo of some pasta. Not a lot else to say really!

    PLEASE NOTE: This is not a source of free photographs.
    This photograph is (c) Ian M Butterfield. All rights are reserved. No use Is permitted (including non-commercial use) without prior permission. If you wish to use any of my photographs please ask first.

    Image Reference: FA0514A-E05018

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  • POTD 15 May 2008: Roni 15 May 2008


    This is my friend, Roni.  Roni is the vicar at the anglican church I used to attend before joining C3.  In a few weeks time he will be moving out of the area to a new parish.  Today we met up, probably for the last time before he moves, for a cup of tea and a chat about cameras. 

    All the best, Roni. May God go with you!  Numbers 6:24-26

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  • POTD 16 May 2008: Dalek Attack 16 May 2008

    UNIT vs Daleks

    Gaming this evening.  Played a Doctor Who related war game.  The Daleks vs UNIT troups.  As the Doctor might observe… there were no winners… only masive casualties on both sides.

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  • POTD 17 May 2008: Set building 17 May 2008

    Witness for the Prosecution – the set starts to take shape.

    Woodford players have now taken over the woodford centre and have started to put together the set for Witness for the Prosecution.

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  • POTD 18 May 2008: Witness for the Prosecution Set 2 18 May 2008

    Witness for the Prosecution – more of the set

    It’s getting more and more like a court room!

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  • POTD 19 May 2008: Sir Wilfred Robarts Phone 19 May 2008


    Set dressing from “Witness for the Prosecution”

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  • POTD 20 May 2008: Looking after the wigs 20 May 2008

    Wigus Judgus Domesticus

    Judges and barristers wigs, I have discovered, are very precious things and have to be properly looked after.  Today’s POTD is of a semi-domesticated one enjoying a sourcer of milk, before his staring role in Witness for the Prosecution at the Woodford Centre… which opens tomorrow… Wednesday 21st May.

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  • POTD 21 May 2008: Opening Night 21 May 2008

    Programme for Witness for the Prosecution

    Opening night for Witness for the Prosecution.  The entire cast and crew acquited themselves exceptionally well!  The show appeared to be well received.

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  • POTD 22 May 2008: Happy Birthday… to me 22 May 2008

    Birthday Cards

    Thank you to all those who sent me birthday cards and birthday greetings.

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  • POTD 23 May 2008: After show party 23 May 2008

    Witness for the Prosecution – After show party

    24 May 2008: Posted a day late… well I was at an after show party late last night!

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  • POTD 24 May 2008: Set Strike 24 May 2008

    Witness for the Prosecution – Set Strike

    Last night of the play… followed by the set strike.

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  • POTD 25 May 2008: Day of rest 25 May 2008

    Feet up

    Spent most of today resting and watching TV.  Well after directing Witness for the Prosecution – I think I earned it!

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  • POTD 26 May 2008: Challenge 120:20 Vision 26 May 2008

    Hard Rock Cafe sign. At the Print Works. Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom.

    I set a challenge to the C3 Photographers today.  Take 20 photographs in 2 hours.  No retakes, no deletions and you must show every photo you take.  You can see my 20 photos on flickr….

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  • POTD 27 May 2008: Loss of a friend 27 May 2008

    There is no POTD photograph for 27th May 2008.  I was just about to take a photo when I heard that Jack, a friend and member of the “Witness for the Prosecution” cast had committed suicide.  Jack played the Judge.

    Needless to say, I and all of Woodford Players are devastated.

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  • POTD 28 May 2008: Kettle 28 May 2008


    My favorite household appliance.

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  • POTD 29 May 2008: RaYzor 29 May 2008

    Had a shoot with a local model today – here model name is RaYzor.  She was hard working and I am very pleased with the photos we got.

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  • POTD 30 May 2008: Preparing for an RPS workshop 30 May 2008


    Spent much of today printing photos to take to an RPS (Royal Photographic Society) workshop on Sunday.

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  • POTD 31 May 2008: FRPS Panel – version 0.1 31 May 2008

    Tomorrow I’m going to a Royal Photographic Society workshop.  I’m currently working towards getting my FRPS (Fellow of the RPS) distinction.  I’m taking my first attempt at a panel of images with me to be critiqued.  These are the images on the floor today as I worked out what order they will need to be displayed in.

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