Jelly Babies
I should have been going into Manchester this morning. One of the shots I had agreed to take was to illustrate the strap line “We are as individual as you are” the initial idea was for a figure stationary in the middle of a blurred crowd. I was aiming for the 6.45am train to ‘check out’ the rush hour for locations and to take some suitable test shots. Having woken up at a little after 5.30am [Yawn – I don’t do early mornings!] I discovered the weather was wet, and grey. Not the kind of weather I was wanting at all. Oh good – I get to go back to bed!
When I got up for the second time I had an idea – I could illustrate the strap line by using Jelly Babies. In the morning I finished the post production on two other shots for the same client this included doing some finger painting to produce a finger print that could be scanned! After lunch I set out to buy Jelly Babies. I can’t use Bassets because they no longer look like traditional Jelly Babies, and some of the cheap ones have very deformed features and are thus not very photogenic. I had to visit 6 different shops before I got a batch I was happy with! (At least Ann and I can enjoy eating the props on this job!). The final result can be seen above – did you know that every one of those Jelly Babies had to be cleaned to remove the icing sugar!
As Ann pointed out this is going to get some getting used to – last week I was designing computer systems for multinational companies, this week I’m finger painting and playing with Jelly Babies!!!
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