
Satruday 26th April 2008:  I managed to get the photos for the Garrick processed today, no blue screens since the new motherboard was installed.  However…. this evening my main 1 Terrabye disk – the one that contains all my photos started going ‘off line’ for no good reason.  The system log file is showing errors/warnings on the disk.  Ahhh… solve one problem and get another.

In an attempt to solve the blue screen problems a few weeks ago I disabled the backup process – just incase that had something to do with the problem. Spent the evening manually backing up all my data from the photo drive.  Finaly got to bet at 2.00am – thats why no POTD was posted today.

Monday 28th April 2008: Post Script – disk now connected through a different interface/cable and no further problems experienced.  Yet….