Self portrait in the snow at Sidings Orchard which is part of Heaton Mersey Vale nature park.
Self portrait in the snow at Sidings Orchard which is part of Heaton Mersey Vale nature park., Heaton Mersey, Stockport, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom We were well and truely snowed in today (at least from the point of view of getting a car out). My model shoot cancelled – not fair to ask the model to travel from Liverpool on public transport. So I ventured out into the snow to get some images. You can see the results here:…
It was mostly grey skies so I needed a splash of colour to make this image work. Thankfully I was wearing my read waterproof so I put the camera on self-timer. Rested the camera on my bag and result… one self portrait in the snow.
Can I give a little plug to the training course that I’m runing on “An Introduction to Digital Photography”. It starts this Sunday evening (10th January) in Heald Green. The course runs for six sessions over eight weeks. If you know anyone who has recently got a new camera and wants to learn more about photography please let them know about it. I’ve still got a few places left. More details on my website:
Sitting in the snow? Now there’s a man who’s prepared to suffer for his art. Shame that his audience has to as well…