A police box or TARDIS from Doctor Who in the garden in the snow

(Image Reference: 20130118A-E00702)

In 2013 I wrote:
Today’s photo of the day was inspired by a comment from a friend on Facebook. Rebecca said: “Looked out of the window and the snow was going up. Awaited TARDIS noise. A few seconds later look out the window and the snow is going down. Missed my chance again.

I can’t change the snow direction in the photo. Not enough of it but at least it is a TARDIS in the snow.

January 2020 update:
The comment about the snow going up is a reference to a Doctor Who quote about the Doctor coming to collect someone when the snow goes backwards. After seven years I can’t remember the quote nor which episode it is from. Can any of my Doctor Who fan friends remind me?

Settings: 1/30s, f/8, ISO 100. Lens: EF24-105mm f/4L IS USM @92 mm.

You can see the other images from this shoot here: http://photos.imb.biz/other/tardis1301

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a source of free photographs.
This photograph is (c) Ian M Butterfield. All rights are reserved. No use is permitted (including non-commercial use) without prior permission. If you wish to use any of my photographs please ask first.