Rosie Eliot at a charity fundraiser shoot hosted by Ian’s Studio

Rose Eliot was running a charity fundraiser event at the studio today. The shoot was let by Rick Bradbury because I need to attend a rehearsal. As I returned to the studio at the end of the event I joined in the shoot for the last couple of rounds. Rick had set up a single light beauty dish set-up. I suggested moving both the light and Rosie back so the light fell on the wall creating the appearance of a shaft of light. I am pleased with the result.

The other images from the shoot can be seen here:

The lighting set-up for this image can be found here:

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a source of free photographs.
This photograph is (c) Ian M Butterfield. All rights are reserved. No use Is permitted (including non-commercial use) without prior permission. If you wish to use any of my photographs please ask first.

Image Reference: FH0503A-G07635