Fellow Photographers,
In this week’s newsletter details of some exciting events – I want to give a really big plug for the shoot this Saturday which sees model Rachael F return to the studio after being abroad for over a year.
You may have noticed the lack of Friday Night events over September – I’m taking a short break from the Friday Night events do to other commitments and the need to focus some of my energy on converting my training materials to a video format. But please rest assured the Friday Night events will be resuming again soon. If you want to know more about the video training I am working on please take a look at the blog post I have included in this newsletter.
On the subject of training my popular “Introduction to DSLR Photography” course will be running again from 10th September. If you know anyone who is just learning photography please let them know about the course.
The final event I want to mention in this newsletter is a free event. On Saturday 28th September I am running a photowalk in Woodbank and Vernon parks called “Psalms in the Park“. The theme of this photowalk is to create photographs based on the book of Psalms.
For details of all this and more…. please read on….
Forthcoming Events
Saturday, 7 September 2013 – Welcome back Rachael F
Location: Ian’s Studio
Time: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Price: £65
After a year on placement model/photographer Rachael F is back at Ian’s Studio. At this special one-off event Rachael will be both modelling and photographing.
For the first 3hrs Rachael will be the model. For the remaining 3hrs she will join the photographers as we shoot a model that she has chosen. The model Rachel has chosen is Luin.
You can see images from some of the events that Rachael has modeled at here: http://photos.imb.biz/model/rachael and you can see Rachael’s Purpleport profile here: http://purpleport.com/portfolio/rachaelf/?referrer=iansstudio
Luin will be working at a mix of levels including modelling cyberdog fashion and some nude work. You can see her profile here: http://purpleport.com/portfolio/luin/?referrer=iansstudio
We are limiting the number of photographers for this event to six (plus Rachael of course). I expect this event will sell out so please book early to avoid disappointment.
Please note lunch is not provided at this event.
Price: £65
Please book via my website: http://www.ians-studio.co.uk/events/welcome-back-rachael-f/
Tuesday, 10 September 2013 – Introduction to DSLR Photography Course
Location: Ian’s Studio
Time: 7:30 PM – 10:00 PM
Price: £149
This course will give all the basics to go out and start creating great images. The course is 7 sessions long and will be running fortnightly on Tuesday evenings 7.30pm – 10pm. starting Tuesday 10 September
The course content will include the following:
- Composition, seeing and finding great photos.
- Camera settings – understand what your camera can do
- Getting the camera off auto: understanding F-Stops, shutter speeds, focal lengths and ISO
- White balance – what is it and when to change it
- Flash photography. Creative ways to use your flash gun to enhance your photos
- Controlling the light – reflectors, defusers and filters.
- RAW and JPG – what’s the difference? Why shoot RAW? How to process it
- Downloading, processing and editing.
- Sharing your photos on-line
- Photography in difficult conditions: at night, in the heat of the day, in the rain.
- Photo critiques – learning how to assess your photos and teaching yourself to improve.
The course is aimed at beginners and those who wish to consolidate their photographic knowledge. As with any course the time spent on any given subject will be tailored to reflect the current knowledge and experience of those attending.
Printed course materials (over 100 pages of notes) will be provided to all attendees. Throughout the course there will be opportunities should you wish to have your photographs assessed to help you improve.
The total cost of the course is £149. A minimum deposit of £40 is required to reserve you place on the course.
Please note: The course is designed for users of DSLR cameras. If you have a “compact” camera or a “bridge” camera please contact me to discuss its suitability for this course.
Please book via my website: http://www.ians-studio.co.uk/events/introduction-to-dslr-photography-course-3/
Saturday, 14 September 2013 – Introduction to Studio Photography Workshop
Location: Ian’s Studio
Time: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Price: £69
In this workshop we look at a number of simple studio lighting techniques starting with zero lights (using only window light) up to using four lights. We also look at some basic techniques for posing subjects and for working with models.
We will look at how different light modifiers such as umbrellas, softboxes, snoots, grids and gels can be used. There will be time during the day for you to practise these techniques with the help of a professional model. We will cover basic posing techniques which are suitable for photographing friends, family, customers or even models. We will also look at the biggest cheat of all for posing people in the studio – the use of props.
Printed notes to document the techniques we will look at during the day will be provided and a buffet lunch is included in the price of the event. Numbers will be limited to 6 photographers.
Details of our model for this event will be published later.
You can see some images taken at previous versions of this workshop in this gallery…
26 Nov 2011 – http://photos.imb.biz/
27 Nov 2010 – http://photos.imb.biz/models/danniworkshop (at Pumkin Studio)
15 May 2010 – http://photos.imb.biz/models/faithstudio (at Calumet)
The cost for the event is £69.00. (includes lunch and printed notes)
Please book via my website: http://www.ians-studio.co.uk/events/introduction-to-studio-photography-workshop-3/
Saturday, 21 September 2013 – Introduction to Wedding Photography Workshop
Location: Ian’s Studio
Time: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Price: £69
At some point all photographers get asked to photograph a wedding – even if it is on an informal basis just as a favour for a friend. This workshop will introduce you to what is involved.
While taking the photographs is relatively straightforward what scares most photographers is the fact that you have limited time and only have one chance at a wedding. In this workshop we give special emphasis on the ‘stage management’ role that a wedding photographer has to assume.
We look at the planning side, and how to make sure things run smoothly from a photographic perspective. We go through the day looking at different scenes that wedding photographers have to photograph.
We conclude the workshop with the chance to photograph bride and groom models.
(Please note: 4 or more attendees are required to be able to book both bride and groom models. If there are 2 or 3 attendees on the workshop we will only have a bride model to shoot. With only 1 attendee I can still run the workshop as a one-to-one training session but would not be able to offer the chance to shoot).
Cost £69 (Includes lunch and notes)
Full payment or a deposit of £25 is required to secure a place – please book using the form below.
Please book via my website: http://www.ians-studio.co.uk/events/introduction-to-wedding-photography-workshop-5/
Saturday, 28 September 2013 – Psalms in the Park
Location: Ian’s Studio
Time: 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Price: £Free
At this special free event we will look at a number of Psalms in the Bible and see how we can interpret them photographically on a photo walk round Woodbank and Vernon Parks.
I am running this event in association with “C3″. ”C3″ is a small Christian group that is trying to explore their faith through the creative arts. The event is open to anyone of any faith or of no faith. There will be no preaching or “Bible bashing” just a chance for you to look at some psalms and a chance to create photographs based on them.
We will meet at 2pm at the Studio and then walk down to the parks, which are at the end of the road. At the end of the photo walk there will be chance to come back to the studio for a cup of tea and to share the images you have created.
Price: FREE
The event is free but it would help me to know if you are coming so that I can make sure we have the right number of printed materials and just as importantly enough tea, coffee and biscuits.
Please book via my website: http://www.ians-studio.co.uk/events/psalms-in-the-park/
From the Blog…
Video Training
Some of you will remember that last year I released a short series of videocasts (you will find them here: http://www.ians-studio.co.uk/videos/). Well I am back in front of the camera again producing some more videos and will be releasing them over the coming weeks.
I will be producing two types of video – free videocasts and full video based training courses.
The free videocasts will be appearing on YouTube and on my website – I have already filmed a further seven video casts on subjects such as timelapse photography, sync speed, photographing products for ebay and even a video on how to photograph a dark helicopter against a bright sky! Those videos are currently being edited and will be appearing on my YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/ianbutty) over the next couple of weeks.
The paid for training courses will be appearing on Udemy – ultimately the aim is to convert all the face-to-face train course that I have been running at the studio in to video format. I have completed some initial test videos including a promo for my first Udemy course. One of those test videos is a promo for the course:
I have already recieved some feedback on the promo/test video both from friends and from other Udemy lecturers. But if you have any comments to make about it I would be interested to hear them.
Once the first training course is live I will be issuing some discount codes to subscribers to my newsletter.
iPhoneography – An update
I recently published a series of images on the theme of iphoneography – images taken with an iphone. At the time I published them I said I would blog and post images to tell the tail about how I was getting on with learning photography on the iphone.
You may have noticed that that series of images suddenly stopped. This is because I no longer have an iPhone – my new network provider ee was unable to transfer my phone number from BT to their network. This left me with two options either change my phone number or return the iPhone. I chose the latter.
The plan is still to get an iPhone but with an announcement due in a week or so from Apple about the next generation iPhone I have now decided to wait until after that announcement before making the move. As for which network I will be on… I don’t yet know it depends who can actually accept a mobile number starting 07777. The only thing I do know is it won’t be ee.
Photo of the Day
POTD 21 Aug 2013 – Howling at the Moon
Howling at the Moon
A bodyscape from today’s Art Nude Course at the studio. Model is Illy (aka Black Beauty) the wolf is from a toyshop and the moon is created in lightroom.
PLEASE NOTE: This is not a source of free photographs.
This photograph is (c) Ian M Butterfield. All rights are reserved. No use Is permitted (including non-commercial use) without prior permission. If you wish to use any of my photographs please ask first.
Image Reference: FF0821A-G09954
The Full Programme
For full details of all our fourthcomming events please use the links below or click on the event eFlyer.
• Saturday, 7 September 2013 – Welcome back Rachael F
• Tuesday, 10 September 2013 – Introduction to DSLR Photography Course
• Saturday, 14 September 2013 – Introduction to Studio Photography Workshop
• Saturday, 21 September 2013 – Introduction to Wedding Photography Workshop
• Saturday, 28 September 2013 – Psalms in the Park
• Friday, 11 October 2013 – Black and White Night
• Sunday, 20 October 2013 – Comprehensive Studio Photography Course
• Friday, 8 November 2013 – Tattoo Night
• Monday, 25 November 2013 – South Manchester Camera Club Talk
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