At the beginning of August my father died unexpectedly and I suspended all my business activities to be able to support my mum at this difficult time.  Just after the funeral, I set off on a holiday to Dubrovnik which we had planned months ago, and which my mum told me I was not to cancel.

During that time away I gave a lot of thought to the future of Ian’s Studio and what sort of business I wanted the studio to be.  I will be honest with you, for a while I seriously considered closing the studio.  There are so many studios in the NW of England and around Manchester that it is very difficult for any of us to have the income we need to keep going.  But what could I do instead?  Someone once said that photographers should shoot what they are passionate about.  I thought about what aspect of photography I am passionate about – and it is training, teaching and mentoring other photographers.  That is the reason why I opened the studio in the first place.

My thought processes then moved on to how I deliver that training.  The studio is a key part of it – but it is not the only part of it.  Lecturing on the cruise ships, my YouTube channel and even this newsletter are all part of that.  Five and a half years ago when I opened the studio, I was one of the few studios that provided training as part of every event that took place.  Now that standard is what many studios provide and what photographers expect.  The challenge I face is how to set the ‘gold standard’ for photography training into the next five years.

All photographers have challenges and I think I have identified the most common challenges facing photographers today.  And I am not going to tell you what they are… at least not till next week.  Next week I am going to make a big announcement about the future of how Ian’s Studio provides training to photographers, not just in the NW of England, but globally.  That announcement will deal with what those challenges are and how together we can rise above them.

Until then – can you do me a favour?  Please post a comment on this blog post saying what you believe YOUR biggest challenge is, and let’s see if YOUR challenge is the same as what I have identified.

And finally, to be absolutely clear – Ian’s Studio is open for business – I am here to help you develop as a photographer.  And as a sign of that commitment the next six weeks worth of Friday Night at the Studio events are up on the website and open for booking.  Just follow this link to find out more about each event.

As for what happens after those six weeks…? well you will just have to wait for next week’s newsletter to find out.  If you are not a subscriber you can subscribe here.